Things that have happened in Montreal:

I have eaten SO MUCH good food. Every meal has been a special discovery. We’ve gone shopping now, and will be making most of our own food from now on, but man oh man, the food in Montreal is fantastic.

Wandering the city streets feels like walking through a modern fairy tale. Everyone reads, in the parks, on street benches, it’s just something people do. Every block I overhear snatches of conversation that sound like part of a fascinating story. The city feels Canadian and foreign at the same time.

I speak French better than I thought I did. I can order food. I can usually ask for directions. I don’t think I could do a French translation of Gadfly yet, but maybe with a bit of work…

It’s been amazing seeing old friends, and planting seeds for new friendships. I randomly ran into an old friend I hadn’t seen since high school, and will be seeing his show tonight.

Our billet is brilliant. She’s housed all of us for over a week, five people spread through her kitchen and living room. Last night was a pleasant, low-key night of getting to know her, and getting comfy in our new digs. (After discovering the dangers of $2.50 beers on sale before dinner)

All of us are feeling apprehensive, but very hopeful for the week. There’s a lot of randomness involved in Fringe. What will your billet be like? What about your tech, your venue? So far we’ve hit home runs with everything. We’re living a best case scenario.

We have a one minute preview tonight, and our first show is Saturday.

Alright, Montreal Fringe. We’re here, we’re ready. Let’s do this.

– Ben